psi pipes

SRV540 said:
sid does that mean you will part with your 95 800 for $650???????? if so I will take it!

Good one SRV540. What are the pipes GOLD PLATED! :smilielol
Just seen a set not too long ago, go for more than that on ebay. did`nt include shipping either. if you figure in the price of shipping, that price dont seam too bad to me?
AL P said:
Just seen a set not too long ago, go for more than that on ebay. did`nt include shipping either. if you figure in the price of shipping, that price dont seam too bad to me?

Al, I saw those to. I believe he had a bunch of shills bidding on them just to drive the price up. I really don't think money was exchanged. I could be wrong JMO.
