quad pipes ID

Ken. Don,t quote me on this, but they almost look like the second round of RPC quads. Any stingers with them?...Rob.
O.K. Those don,t look like RPC pipes that I have seen now that there is more pipe included, but I think 2 stingers are still missing. My eyes aren,t like wht they use to be, but are those individual pipe panels welded together to create pipes like Aaen pipes?...Rob.
the only pipes ive seen that were pieced like that were aaen and delaughter but now that i think about it delaughter had hydro made pipes for the vmax4 similar to haucks howler pipes.
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They sure look like Aaens but not the trail version I have. The spring tabs are identical to what I see on my set.
Judging by the large diameter and short length, they are probably the 10,000 RPM pipes from one of several places that made them, but I am not sure whose these are.
