Reproduction Vmax4 Fiberglass Hoods


New member
Guys. Stumbled across a company selling reproduction Vmax4 hoods made from fiberglass. I have seen many a folk on here looking for hoods to keep sleds alive so just passing this along. Company is called JT Snowmobile in New Lowell Ontario Canada. Contact number is 1-800-465-5668, and hoods are advertised at $600 I believe. I would expect them to be a good product at $600, but the market is drying up on these old shop vacs. on gas...Rob.
Tom at TNT Vinyl designs is a sponsor of the site and can probably hook you up with some nice decals for your new hood.

I shot them an email. They have red and black, and they are 600CDN$ (and they are not on the list, but they make them..) like mentioned earlier in this thread.
