resistance of coil

I've never had any issues with coils on these. Usually coils are good or bad. Not intermittant unless moisture is involved.

With the symptoms you describe I'd be looking at the TORS system and/or wiring issues. Check all conections for good clean contact. I've seen pins in the CDI/stator to harness connectors come loose and back out enough to loose the contact on that one pin.

you guys are the best. all the feed back and vmax 4 matter of fact is GREATLY APPRECIATED. if im allowed i will get it on the lift this weekend.
ngk caps sound good. i noticed some carbon burns as if arching on the top of number 3 fresh plug. lets hope i can pin point right away and not end up down the rabbit hole looking for an old friend called mr. s.o.b mouse. its odd because i use an absurd amount of moth balls to protect my sleds along with other methods. but yet still they linger living in the sticks will get you that. my lame brain cocker spaniel catches them all the time and chews them up roll around on them and then give them a proper burial in the woods some where. the dog is nuts from too much two stroke smoke maybe haha.thanks again - PETER
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after some looking around i did find a broken wire near the nose coming down from instrument cluster above cdi repaired now i have weak spark insted of intermitant. dont know what that wire was can i post pics? 1&2 HOT, 2&3 blackness very very little brown. also found a broken y pipe 3&4 and some helix issues. i need an order of operations because im becoming slightly lost and probably need my hand held some. never had to go this deep on this sled its been my most reliable sled ive ever owned. when i went to start it i was only running on 1&2 4 seconds later 3&4. at idle loads right up 3&4. 1&2 nice and crispy. also can i get those ngk cap that will fit no problem at auto zone etc.. just pull the old ones off?? do i need to trim the wire before installation of new caps?? thanks -peter-
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My 96 suddenly lost 3+4 after accidentally running it with those plug wires off. Can't seem to see a connection with running it that way but I have lost spark. I swapped a coil from my 94 750 and put my 96 coil on that. 94 ran fine, still no spark on 3+4 in the 96 800. Check continuity from CDI to coil, ok. Was going to swap CDI with a spare I have only to realize my brother accidentally kept it when he moved to South Carolina! waiting for it to be shipped back here. Since this will be the last weekend of riding here in Western ME. I am just going to wait for it to get here. If that doesn't work I will try swapping the stator. If I solve my problem before you, I will let you know what I found.
copy. im hoping its not my cdi. im going to pull it in and do more digging and swap my plug caps for starters when more info comes in. conditions here are perfect for the vmax flat and wide.
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well had the day off so i called a local vmax4 god who owns 8, 5-800, 3-750 he had some advice but said the same thing "never had any problems like that with ANY of mine" didnt want to sell me anything besides an 800 that needs some love. im going this weekend to look at it. dont tell my old lady woooohoooo. still having a multitude of problems w/ my 93 i think a fuel issue might be present at the same time as weak spark.:banghead:
well who cares about the vmax the brainless old lady totalled my 2009 saab 9-5 today. it was a great car. four cylinders of fury and turbo reduced to a heap. i guess that trip to look at the 800 is outta the question too. i dont know the gods have allinged against me. :bash1::3speechle:3speechle:Flush:
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i held the thumb throttle away from the pivot point where it connects. i looked in the vx750 bench book here in a sticky note. tors light comes on upon startup.
i think i found my problem. the main wire harness that runs along the belly pan had been chewed by mice. the RED/BLACK wire was chewed 90% off. black/red is my rectifire/regulator wire? does that wire being chewed directrly affect my coil on 3&4 side? just trying to cover all my bases while in elbows deep . thanks peter
