Tunnel extension and heat exchanger from an st

Looking to turn my 121 sled into a 136.

I already have the track, rails I just need the tunnels extension, and the heat exchanger.

If anybody has one for pleas let me know.
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To do it like oem, you will need to replace your 121" rear heat exchanger with a 136". You will need the 136" bumper, heat exchanger, tunnel extension, and a few brackets. Your best bet is to search salavage and find it off of a Vmax 500 or 600.
I think I have a heat exchanger of a 95 DX in the back garage. As long as you're not doing a 97 it'll work. I'll take a look when it's light out and get back to you.
Okay. It bothered me so I went and looked. Still have it. $20 plus shipping and it's yours. Or you could just cut the one you have at the bend, mill the two ends square, and weld it back together laying flat. I did this and it worked fine.
