M Merk New member Mar 14, 2007 #1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1995...ItemQQcategoryZ42599QQitemZ180095919661QQrdZ1 Anyone interested in this should contact me privately.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1995...ItemQQcategoryZ42599QQitemZ180095919661QQrdZ1 Anyone interested in this should contact me privately.
SRV540 Banned Mar 14, 2007 #2 so whats to beware of ???????? is it a scam? why not enlighten everyone? Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
S schunn New member Mar 14, 2007 #5 I agree with Minor, looks a like it is listing a bit to the side. Also looks like it seen a few mud runs this year.
I agree with Minor, looks a like it is listing a bit to the side. Also looks like it seen a few mud runs this year.
YAMMIEGOD 3:16 New member Mar 14, 2007 #6 GUESS IT IS A RARE 1995, FRAME TWEAKED!!!!!! RARE OPTION. 3:16 (yammie tony)
M Merk New member Mar 15, 2007 #7 notice the right side knuckle has been re-welded. How about the rattle-can paint on the left side. Hay, where is the ignition?
notice the right side knuckle has been re-welded. How about the rattle-can paint on the left side. Hay, where is the ignition?
1badvmax New member Mar 15, 2007 #8 Front susp looks bent and whats with the odometer?I dont see ignition box either.i woud stay clear unless it goes real cheap or you can see in person.
Front susp looks bent and whats with the odometer?I dont see ignition box either.i woud stay clear unless it goes real cheap or you can see in person.