Vmax 4 parts, 1992 & 1996

PM me with your best offer, we will see. I'm doing as best I can for everything else, but the carbs aren't in that catagory. No offense either way.

Brakes said:
I'M not trying to beat you down but I would be interested in the carbs if I can afford them.
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I would, however I sold it to RW&B for $25, go figure LOL.

Master of Faster said:
Hey bud, I bought your chaincase and jackshaft awhile back to update my 92, would you take $100 shipped on the roller secondary?

OMG, I'm going to go kill myself now...

I've been trying to buy a secondary since last year.

LOL:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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Man, Utah is pretty far, that's too bad, shipping from there would be a nightmare, as in lots of $ :), I'm interested in quite a few things though...
If I could come up for a ride and deliver what you needed I sure would. I've heard alot of great stories about riding in Quebec. If your up for the trip I'll take you to the mountians and send you back parts rich.
Yeah I would love to go down to Utah for riding in the mountains, although my dad isn't too much into snowmobiling, since he has very sensitive muscles/joints, from wrenching on cold floors/sports etc... So I cannot really see a way of getting down there, although if you decide to come up here, it would definatly be a pleasure, we could organize something with the rest of the members living close by:D:D:D
I talked with a yamaha dealer down here that rode from southern Montana to central Utah, 10 day trip, a network of people scouted their portion of the trail and guided for that part of the trip. Rode over 100 miles a day no trailering. A trip like that from the west to east or vis versa would be awsome, maybe someday. Shouldn't say things like that on this site, someone would figure out how.
Hey mtbombsqd, do you have any pics of the reeds? They are small and would be easier to ship, are they vforce 2's then?
Thanks, Lewis

Lewis, they are Delta VForce 2 reeds.


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