Vmax-4 Seat Covers

Yes, but the price was $180-200 each w/ a minimum order of 12. I did not want to take that one w/ the initial response here.

Would there be any possibility to put together a list of the ones that are still interested even if the price ends up at $180-200...? I think there might be 12 of us...?

1. Alatalo
2. ...?
3. ...?

It would be a scottysledshed cover. They now make a universal Vmax-4 with out the logo. Here's a picture of the logo they would put on their universal vmax-4 cover. This is their Yamaha Vmax SX SXR SRX cover.

If the above mentioned option fails, would there be any chance to talk them into putting that logo onto their next batch of universal Vmax-4 covers...? I don't get it...? They can obviously put it onto other Yamaha seat covers, but not the Vmax-4 cover...?
hi carl,
I would be interested in a seat cover for my 92,let me know what you find out on the price,mine is starting to split by the back storage compartment
I am probably very late to this post but better late than never. If it comes up again i would be interested in a high quality cover but it would have to be close to original appearance to my 97 mmax. Thanks for your initiative to try to arrange this.
Perry Klostenburger. Seats by Stitch.

His shit is perfect. Better Quality than OEM He is making another run of 12 right now. $345 plus shipping. You won't find better even from a NOS Yamaha bag. You must go on FB to find him.
Unfortunately, I do believe Perry retired and sold all of his stock. What are the best options right now...?
