Webster SD RADAR run


I went up to a local RADAR run today with the Vmax 4. All of the time I have spent on this machine was worth it for the 3 passes I got to make. There were a couple of Thundercats and another Vmax 4 (which was having troubles) amongst other 800's that jumped up to open class. The T-Cat was the closest at 106.2 and my best was 110.8. A new track record! Gotta love it! It felt great! The machine left the line and never bobbled a bit. Tracked true and smooth the whole way through. Just about too easy to drive.
While I was there, there was another gentleman that had a Pro Stock 800 Vmax 4, but it didn't get to run today because it froze his battery last night and wouldn't run the ignition without a battery. He said something to me about selling it, and needless to say, it came home with me. The cool thing was that I know who and where the machine came from. This thing was racing pro stock in the same association I used to race in. It actually came from the Ulmer camp. Gary knows this machine all too well, I am sure. I almost feel guilty for what I paid for it. Super nice guy, but I guess he was taking a different path and was ready for it to go. YEE HAW!!!! I can't wait to make a few passes on it and then start tearing into it! Maybe my asphalt sled!!!!!

My wife just rolled her eyes when I told her what I did...what a woman!!!!!!!!!!
:party: :party: :party: :party:
Kahunas said:
Maybe my asphalt sled!!!!!

Let me know what you want to build for the asphalt!

From the look of the photo, I'd say by summer the driver should have enough weight to compete on the asphalt, these new drivers sure push the weight limits now, LOL!

Its great to see the young ones taking interest in the sport. My 3 1/2 year old son is my little wrench helper, caught him flipping switches on the turbo sled the other day, all good fun.
That little guys is almost 3 1/2 now as well. Flipping switches is the only trouble he usually gets into, that's the downfall of the 4-strokes, he knows how to lift the kill switch and turn the key. It's a must around here to install a tether chord and detach it whenever he's around!
Kahunas, you know anything about a radar run in the Sisseton area next weekend (Feb 24 or so) at all? Heard something about it and thinking about bringing up an Apex.
I just got home from Dubois last night, but I will see if I can find something out. I know a few of the guys around here are hitting every one that they can find. I would like to spend a little time on the ice this weekend with the pro stocker so I can see what she's got.
Try this number, I haven't had a chance to call it yet to get any details, but I believe this guy can give out some information.

Jerry @ 605-698-7829
Alan, I just talked to Jerry and he said that it is happening on Sunday on Lake Traverse. It is 8 to 9 miles East of Sisseton at some place called the Circle K. Sounds like registration is all morning and they start running at 1 PM. For some reason, they are only 660 foot runs. Right up your alley...

I am hoping to work on the pro stocker this week while it is cold. I haven't even started it yet. No time...

Let me know if you are coming.:eck02:
Bring something turbocharged!!!!!! I wanna see/hear one of them go! I am making slow progress on the pro stocker, but my track is all filled in with snow, so I don't know if I will have any test time on it.:frech32: I hope to get the track cleared tomorrow, but need to work on the machines. Sounds like there was some fast stuff at the Big Stone RADAR run. 120 some mph fourstroker. Wish I coulda been there, but was too busy thrashing on my mountain sled in the deep and steep.:653:
Does that prostocker even have a tachometer on it? Last time I knew of it the guy had taken the tach off to save weight DOH! I have a VDO Xtreme recall/replay tach here if you need a tachometer for it. Plan on going, nothing turbocharged, that'll be on the asphalt!

Funny thing you brought up the tach. I just re-installed it today. I think I have the wiring right... The positive wire going to the battery is black and the negative wire going to the battery is red. Lots of stuff like that to fix. That's why it took me so long to figure out the wiring for the tach.
BTW: Ask your Dad if I can use an 18 volt battery on that ignition system. It is a very small 18 volt battery and charger that was given to me and I might as well use it for something...
I have started the beast and it sounds good. It takes plenty of energy to pull the thing over. I'm glad it starts easy. Ask your Dad what compression ratio it is. I am VERY curious as for how hard it is to pull over. It will stay in the trailer with the heater on until AFTER it gets started.:blahblah1
