2002 Yamaha SRX 700 For Sale:


New member
I'm selling a very nice '02 Yamaha SRX 700. Bender quick-adjust transfer rods, extra wheel kit, black headlight cover, 192 studs w/ blue backers (no pull-throughs). Hand/thumb warmers. Very nice shape, runs great too. FAST! Has about 3600 miles on it, but I still ride as snow conditions permit. Needs nothing except a new home. Call me instead of email or posting if you want a fast response. 1-920-229-1918 Central WI
$3000 firm. I know it's a bad time of year to sell a sled, but I can't take any less than this. Very nice machine.
cell 920-229-1918. Wisconsin
$2900...I wish someone would come lookk at this thing. It really is VERY nice. Everyone keeps asking me why so cheap, I guess I would like to know this too. I'm just needing the money right now. I still owe $2900 on it, I'd rather not continue payiny the insurance. When sold you can follow or meet me right at my bank, where I will pay it off in full, and sign it over. Come check it out.
920-229-1918 WI Cell
$2700? Ebay didn't pull through. Bad time of year I guess. Just working on getting a bike, too many loans out right now too keep another sled.
Man I was thinking of selling my sled due to hard times but I may just bare it and take the dammage on my cred hist,I'm young.
KK,Sorry your having such a hard time selling
Almost... He was talking about coming down later the next week. I drove the sled outside for some cleaning and a guy came and offered more than i was down to on here... Was a REAL NICE CLEAN FAST sled, hell of a deal on it....FOR HIM....
Just curious, where abouts do you live?? I know ots already sold, but just wondering??
Thanks AL P
