they sold for 200.00. i was just asking about shipping and they sold within the time of me asking and getting a response. oh well, someone got a decent deal!

that is insanely cheap!!

if one were to buy them..sand blast & paint..they`d sell eventually for probley double that!!
Your right Al. I see someone bought them this morning. I'm surprised they lasted a couple of days at that price. Tom
Yep, I bought those too, LOL! Made him an offer at 2am when I got done working on the sled and he excepted! With modifications these pipes will play an interesting roll real soon.
Havent thought about it, but I know the cops around this area HATE them and stop me every chance they get, because its not "stock" even though they arent that much louder. No sense in putting them on when all I do is get pulled over, and cant outrun them because I live a block from the cop shop, lol
Probably, LOL!!! Just dont feel like getting the ticket, I already got out of one with the race car when I boiled the tires on the blacktop.... didnt see the cop a few blocks down the street. Got told it was cool to see it once, but wont be so cool the second time.
