95 vmax4 forsale *hauck engine*

Crazy Vfour

New member
Sled is in very nice condition havn't had time to use it tons of mods everything is new or like new. The engine is a hauck 920 fresh 3 runs on it ported for the lake,has venom billet heads, v-force reeds,bored stock carbs, a few sets of new jets, uni filters, new clutch, hauck launching weights,fires at 90, hauck clutching, hauck howler race pipes, still oil injected has the bender kit on it, new brakes and chain, 22t top sproket, new carbonfiber hood, low black wind screen, carbonfiber gauge surround, new blu bar pad, new grips, new factory seat, factory clear tailight lense, painted yamaha r-1 blue, new usi drag ski's, front lowering kit, factory rear skid set up perfect for drag racing for 200# rider , all new stuff in there also wheels and bushing, new yamaha steering bearing kit also steering is tight like new, new shaved track with woody's pics and chisels,polished tunnel. $3200 obo pm me or call@ 586-634-5971 thanks mike , also 2 new 8bu belts


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I have also used yamaha #
4FL-12462-00-00 CAP, RADIATOR
8CR-12591-00-00 SUPT, FILLER NECK
You have to use the stock over flow with yamaha numbers.
I am posting this because I have a slight beef now with vmax4.com member Crazy V four. I purchased this sled from Mike in March of 2007. I read this post and soon called him. After discussing the details of this sled I purchased it over the phone and sent him a check for the full amount as he was burned by a fellow member on this site who backed out. I picked up the sled, making a 12 hour drive to Warren, MI this past September 2007 as our schedules made conflict to pick up this sled.

Anyways, I got this sled home and tore the "newly fresh" engine down and had made a deal to Pat Hauck as Pat wanted the kit from me...deal done! Upon tearing the engine down we noticed that 3 of the 4 pistons where "junk" and had stuck rings with massive scoring. One cylinder was damaged and after honing out the nickasil needed to be re-nicked, plus one of the pistons was cracked. So here I sit with a motor that was suppose to be fresh with 3 runs only, but is top-end junk. I felt bad for what had happened and paid Pat for replacements of new pistons to make the kit complete, as our deal was done. I called Mike (Crazy V four) and explained the situation of the "junk" top end and he wanted to give me a side panel for my problem. I explained that I would have never bought the sled if I new I was buying a junk top end. The new pistons cost $200 each x 3 and re-nicking at about $130, total cost = $730.00 I PM'd Mike and left numerous voicemails that I thought it would be fair if he shelled out $300 to help make things right and I'd pay the remainder of $430 (even though I already paid for a "fresh 3 run" engine). I have never heard back from him nor has he visited the sight since the next day after I sent him a PM.

Just really pissed off right now! I listened to him bitch about Pat Hauck on the phone and what Mike thought about him, feeling that he was screwed on some parts by HPS,inc. The real funny thing now is how he has screwed me and ignores this. Yet, Pat Hauck worked with me and made things right!!! Hopefully, this can still be resolved and I can get atleast $300 of $730. Just had to vent and pass this on.
Just left another voicemail on his cell phone. If he comes thru and helps make the wrong a right...then I will delete my above post and consider it made right. If not, then I truly see what type of person Mike really is!
Holy shit!! I seriously considered buying that sled myself. My drive would've been much longer than 12 hrs. That's what ultimately made me think twice about it and decide not to. The price was too good for what was offered, makes you think maybe there was some prior knowledge of the damage. I hope you get it resolved. Experiences like this make it hard to trust people when dealing "sight unseen".

I would have questioned that big splooge of blackness on the ground in a few of the pics before sending the cash. Maybe someone in the Warren, MI area knows some black and white to give him the black and blue?
LOL yup....I bought my srv without hearing or seeing it....guy said it will smoke alot as he pured lots of oil down jugs for starage.....sure did smoke and shoot a load of gas out the tailpipe.....a replaced cracked cylinder and some fresh wiseco's and it was good to go....never again will I buy anything motorized with out close inspection.....sorry to hear about your dealings with this :fullmoon:

Merk said:
I would have questioned that big splooge of blackness on the ground in a few of the pics before sending the cash. Maybe someone in the Warren, MI area knows some black and white to give him the black and blue?
