f272v4's Stock 97 Heel Clicker Set-Up / HC-X Secondary

Heel Clicker Set-Up / With HC-X Secondary
Heel Clickers 40-10 Weights
Shoulder = 5.1 ~ 4300 engagement (Decrease for higher engagement)
Mid = 6.80
Tip = 4.85
= 67.70 Weight
Red HC Spring = 230 - 350

Secondary (Bolt on HC-X formally Heel-X)
Heel-X 80* Twist
Heel-X 42-34 Helix
Carb Changes
Pilots 50.0

Most likely will need fine tuning for proper MAX RPM but this is close
for stock 97 800
Stock Gearing Heel Clickers do NOT like
low gearing.
I went quicker with 97 stock 37/24 gearing.

also, the primary cover needs to be changed to the tall cover that is
in the newer sleds like the SRX's
