how to store vmax4 for summer


New member
hi guys. just wanted some instructions on the best way to put my sled away for the season properly with little hassle in the next winter season.

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Drain all Gas with ethanol out of tank and carbs. I store mine with race fuel or Avgas. Take measures to keep mice away from sled. They do a lot of damage.
is there any fogging required. I planned on lubing everything with fresh grease. draining the gas from the tank. running lots of gas line antifreeze. take the weight off the rear end and store with moth balls with tarp. anything important I'm missing.
thanks to all who reply

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Yes I fog mine , I also coat the suspension, and front TSS Scissors w/ wd-40. (remove ski's and take apart ski holder-- make sure you get that little allen head that tightens down onto strut too). also add new greese in the suspension grease zerks.

Drain all Gas with ethanol out of tank and carbs. I store mine with race fuel or Avgas. Take measures to keep mice away from sled. They do a lot of damage.

What is best way to keep mice away? I have used dryer sheets in past--- I was going to add some poison too this year? Anyone else have suggestions?
If its outside use a cover that breathes instead of tarp. Tarps will hold moisture in. I used dryer sheets and poison in my garage. I've heard that moth balls work too. I know some guys who go as far to loosen track as well as raise it, remove clutch springs, and remove the belt. You still have to clean the carbs before you ride it in winter, it's the cardinal rule of vmax4 ownership. I don't know about gas line anti freeze though; I've never heard of that for storage. It may be difficult to start later on. I used either 110 octane race fuel or 100LL Avgas to store mine. My carbs stayed clean. I just added 93 super to it before I rode it.
will you be able to occasionally start it? if so, fire it up every couple weeks..let it idle long enough to swap out all the fuel in the carbs..
my sleds get stored in a dry building and get started and warmed up once a month been doing this for as long as I have been sledding never had and problems when fall comes
After Draining gas etc...The best (Remove seat to keep luan dry under center section of seat!) is to apply wd 40 to the complete sled..let sit..wash with "Super Clean" degreaser(Purple Jug found at most stores,,walmart, fleet farm, ace ,etc....and dry.. Aply Wd 40 to engine compartment all Suspension components and all screws etc under hood, etc..No Rust.No Oxidized Aluminum NO MICE...NO MICE!! All will stay Shiny as you want it to..
