Improver class question/input

cat eater

Ok i have a few questions first is the rules on rear suspension if i read the rule correct i have to use a stock suspension for that year or make of sled and i can only mod rear axle and adjust springs or add stab wheels , so my question is can i remove any parts shock brackets or braces to lighten it up, my other question is ingnition they have a rule on what they call a pony pac for vmax 4 to run 180 i hope this refers to the bender or reichard ingnigtion box? any one know, and last has any one come up with a real nice way to mod front spring other than spring inbetween sissor i'm considering building new can if rule allows and putting a spring between rod and can inside thanks for any info.
I'm pretty sure you can run a different cdi in improved stock. I wouldn't bother taking any bracing or any other parts out of the skid. The weight savings would be minimal. As far as the front suspension cans, just get some lowering tubes. They are really easy to install. You can even make your own lowering tubes.
I would agree with Kahunas on your suspension, I know a guy that did all that and it twists, bends and breaks every time he races the damn thing. I have a set of lowereing tubes if you need them, problem with those is you leave allot of weight in the front. The CDI is a concern! I use Reichards boxes in my improvers and never had a problem at tech. It states in the ISR rule book that you have to use a Pony Pack which was aftermarket Yamaha. (Imagine that!) Reichards, Benders and pony pacs are all aftermarket ignitions so I'm sure Yamaha greased ISR to write that rule back in the day. Hauck was DQ'd at Haydays going into the finals because one of the tech guys caught it. Bottom line is it all all comes down to the tech guy, most of these guys doing the tech inspections dont know the difference. Put a Yamaha pony pack sticker on your box, call it a day and never smarten up a dummy!
I like the sound of that, How much for the tubes send me a pm the tubes i have now are just cut with a dull saw zaw. lol hell i will put a pony pac sticker on it. lol
I agree with Dave, leave the skid alone. you need to be 775lbs for a sancioned race with a driver. As far as the lowering aspect of the TSS lowering tubes or cutting of the springs is good. front end weight is not a concern as these babies pull the front end easily and with the skid pulled down the skis barely touch anyways. AND yes the cdi can be a problem, but since the whine dog marchbanks(with his re-programable stock cdi's) has been retired and may not be lobbing ISR who can be sure?? IMO

I've been searching ice races here for quite some time now, thinking I would run my sled on the tar in the summer and the ice in the winter, so I was thinking of building an improved stock. But here it seems that for every race they have different rules or they make up their own and with the money we have to invest in these hotrods I've come to the conclusion that I'll just keep mine for the tar and pick something up next year to play with on the lakes.
Don't forget to post pictures of your progress and good luck with your build.
One time me and Dan (vmax535) had agreat conversation on ingnition rules..For one a "Pony Pack" is not avaible anymore and so as the Reichards (meaning you can't buy one from the right now).It states you must use a STOCK ignition...That means to me a stock stator,rotor,wiring harness,coils switches..To me thats stock so why can't use a Reichards box if they could reprogram theres.?? But this is what I've seen one time and he made it all the way to a final..A stock box "TAPPED" to a Reichards box..(it looks like a pony pac...) and that 15yr rule is crap..that only applies to "STOCK" class racing..
u have to out smart the tec man and these days thats not hard tape a stock box to a recharieds box and that wouild seal the deal most of them dont know the difference any how . improved states ignition change and in the days msd ignition has been a standard for all sleds and bikes as a improvement over stock
Well fore sure keeping all this in mind as build goes on, I know that most racers are more worried about the 4 stroke 4 cylinders running in 600 and 700 classes, I dont want to cheet, but i sure want to compete. Any one have the part number for the pony pac, maybe a chance in hell i could find one, seems like Yamaha is always under pressure about racing we always seem to have a edge. (well everyone thinks we do) Its funny the skinny kid always wants to foot race the fat kid but when the fat kid wins he must be cheeting, We seem to take the heavy iron and make it work and they dont like it. I'm just wondering what would have to be done to get the rule changed so maybe when my kids are racing this machine they will be ok and not have to worrie
u said it well cat eater when the fat pig gets tuned up by the right guy then they are all in trouble , then u have to be cheating . just this last week end i was told that my sled did not have a stock muffler my stock heavy pig nytro but some how it has yamaha stamped on it . kicking butts on f7 cats and yes srx 700 so im really impressed with that motor and im pulling a 153 track against 136, and 144 tracks . in 500 feet they can not catch me , but those that are clutched and geared right have a chance .
Its Funny a few years ago at Haistings, I would drive the rx1 to the line (960) some pounds , i over shot the light was pulling it back into place , and the guy next to me (big fellow 6'1 250 pounds ) racing artic cat says look out he was in a rush grabs my handle stood up to pull it back and instantly sat it back down and says holly shit , i say yes its heavy but ive lightned her up she realy flys. he said after the race well i got a new respect for them and i see why you drive it up there. lol I'm really thinking about pulling the MACK DOG of my dump truck at work and putting it on the vmax4 it will go nicley with my BADD DAWG RACING theme. what you think put some big rig stacks out the hood.
