peterborough grass drags

What would your sled do Jminor? Just wondering what a well set up vmax4 would do?My rear skid was set for trails . Ski's were heavy all the way.
Bring it out to Boyle next weekend and have some fun!!! You will get the chance to run it against some well set up sleds... It's a fun day, and we should have a few people from this site meeting up...

Details? track is 400ft, not the smoothest, a bit of dirt in shut down area. Fastest guy went 85mph.Races are held at Peterborough Speedway, not to be confused with Kawartha downs speedway.I would really like to go to Boyle as well.Could give you exact directions if needed.Coming up quick.
This track flat out sucks!!! Digging up rocks at the starting line with near zero traction, major bumps at the 350 ft mark and a gravel path across at that point to boot, then you have to shut down in the gravel.. My son made two passes and decided to load up and leave after that.. Apsley Max you really should try to make it to Boyle or Simms next season!! You would love running on these tracks..
Yes, it does suck.tore off left slider after 3rd pass.I did get a guys number who had a 94 for sale though .I bought it yesterday for a grand. it has 7000kms on it,but its half beat.
Well, just got home from this years event.The old girl ran 79mph in 400ft.Is this a respectable number?I was amongst a sea of yellow sleds of all sizes and none even came close to that,fastest Ski-Doo was an 800mxz done by Bondi and Jaws pipes that was doing 74mph.Damn I love my sled.Got to get rid of stock 92 secondary, it might pick up some.
