Port Huron this weekend?


New member
Anyone going to be at the races in Port Huron this weekend? The reports are that the track is looking good inspite of the slightly warmer weather we've had. It has dipped well below freezing at night, so they have managed to build up the ice. They had reported it to be over 5 inches thick. They are going to run a zamboni on it on Thursday, so it will be some really smooth ice.

I'm planning on being there on Saturday. Saturday they are running the world series on ice races. Sunday they plan to run the outlaws again, but may run them on Saturday if the weather forecast is for rain on Sunday.

I'm not bringing a sled, just the camera and maybe the video recorder. Last year was great there were about a dozen vmax-4's there. Some really nicely done ones, and some that were pretty much stock and banged up a little.
We might be there, won't know until Thursday pending work schedule. We are one of the sponsors again so big John called me last night and said the track conditions were great and they were shaving it yesterday with the zamboni. Watch for Randy Brewer (PANDA) in 800 Pro-Stock, I would bet a bunch that he will take that show on his max4. Whether we make it or not, good luck to all of you guys and be safe. The weather conditions don't look real favorable even for the highways, especially if your pulling a big trailer.
I was thinking about going, but haven't heard anything and thought the warm weather lately might have postponed it. Got any more information? Website, map, etc.

Here is a link to the brochure on the Chilly fest. The main event is the snowmobile racing...

As far as a map goes. The track is south of Court Street and East of Third in Port Huron. The link below should give you a map to that corner. The entrance to the track was at that corner. They charge a little more to get into the pit side of the track, but that lets you walk around and check out all the race sleds and talk to the owners, etc.

The races are supposed to start at 12:00 noon on Saturday. I think they started pretty close to on time last year.

Here is where Chris Ainsworth has been posting updates on the track and answering questions, etc.

Pictures of the track they are building below came from this posting



My wife and I are planning on being there on Saturday. We will be dressed in our Yamaha gear. We'll spend the extra money to get into the pit side of the track so we can walk around and check out all the sleds. I have the red/black/white yamaha team jacket. My wife has the black/grey/white yamaha team jacket.

If you think you might make it let me know and I will pm my cell phone number.

I might run over there Saturday to check it out, take some pictures. I'll be easy to spot, I'll have my leather vmax4.com hat on.

