Radar Run in Hortonville,WI Feb.10.


New member
On Black Otter Lake, 10 miles west of Appleton,WI on Wis."15" formerly U.S.45. 1000' shaved ice track. Starts at 8:30a.m. and goes to 3:30p.m. Come on out and help support my snowmobile club! For more info call 920 716-5043 or pm me. Would have posted sooner, but had to wait for ice!
thanks Hopper.
Hopper let us know the results, best of luck to you! PS thanks again for the headlight bezel.
That was a fun day! had some fast machines, I saw everything from a 8mph kitty cat to 140+mph apex. Excellent food and real nice people!
Nice to meet turbogriesbach, and check out his sleds. Wish I could have seen him run. I'll let him fill you in on that. Not to mention I came home with an armfull of tropheys, 1st and 2nd in Imp 800 and 2nd in the atv.

sent nate some pic's of his sled and some of 146.1 apex, glad he had a good time! had a brain fart on turbo sled. had some air in coolant detonated piston, it happens. should have results posted this week, if nate can't get pic's to post i'll try later hopper
The results in the IS classes, are they trail improved? Speeds seem a bit low for improved stock sleds. 1000ft correct? What are the mod classes? and SR classes?
yes it was 1000ft,wasn't alot of improved sleds there,( many other radar runs that day)mostly stockers jumping up. here's classes;SR1 0-550cc fan only SR2 390-440cc single pipe SR3 471-550cc SR4 551-600cc single pipe SR5 551-600cc SR6 601-700cc single pipe SR7601-700cc SR8 701-800cc single pipe SR9 701-800cc SR10 801cc & up Improved Stock IS500 0-500cc IS600 501-600cc, IS700 601-700cc, IS800 701-800cc, IS1000 801cc & up. Modified MOD1 0-600cc, MOD2 601-700cc, MOD3 701-800cc, MOD4 801-900cc, MOD5 901cc & up. Hopper
