Rattle in RX1 Clutch


New member
I just purchased a 03 RX1 and the primary clutch has a rattle the previous owner said he has had it fixed a couple of times at the dealer. But the noise returns. Does anyone know what the cure is for the rattle thanks
It is normal. My 03 Turbo RX-1 rattled so bad you thought it was gonna explode but no probs even at 260 hp on hi boost. Anyway; it is irritating but get used to it. Some rattle & some don,t...luck of the draw.
Tried raising RPM no change I guess I will live with rattle. Put 500K on it over the last couple of weekend no problem other thanks darting am going to pick up snow trackers to fix
there is a "quiet kit" for them. It is a yamaha part and I think it is basically nylon bushings, I do not know the part number though.
Make sure your buttons are in good shape. when i bought my 04 it rattled but the buttons were trashed with only 3000 miles on it i went to a hauck roller that fixed it .
hi i have a 2005 rx1 and it rattles on idle would be kool if someone knew what the part number is on that quiet kit from
yamaha it just sounds like shit if you know what i mean
I asked the dealer but they knew of no quiet kit. I now have 2 RX1's that rattle I have just learned to live with it.
well i got the kit for the clutch p/n is 8ES-SLIDR-KT-OO but is no longer available i got the last one at a yamaha dealer so look around at your dealers and see
if they have one. not if anyone know where they go that would be great thanks
I just picked up an 04 Warrior and it sounded like three marbles in a soup can at idle, I couldn't live with it! So Tyler at Just4Fun ordered up a kit to cure the rattle for good, I will post the results, should have the primary together in a couple days.
There is a kit for the 3 cylinders, they rattle worse than the 4's, first make sure the set screws are tight on the roller pins, then get the kit from Yamaha, what they did was put orings behind the spider slides on the non thrust side to keep the spider from rocking back and fourth in the movable sheeve.
it is just the nature of the beast.. my friend has over 16,000 miles on his warrior and has always done the proper service and have had that noise would be good to know there is a cure for him
The fix is what Kaw550 described and the noise is just the spider slide as described. It is caused but the pulses from the 4 stroke's combustion. Two strokes didn't have the problem because of the # of pulses per rev. On my 03 I raised the idle just slightly and it went away.

It doesn't hurt anything but isn't pleasant to listen to.

Got the kit in the primary, Yamaha parts, new sliders with an o-ring behind them. Didn't fix anything, but turning the idle up about 40 rpm did the trick!
Got the kit in the primary, Yamaha parts, new sliders with an o-ring behind them. Didn't fix anything, but turning the idle up about 40 rpm did the trick!

I'll bet turnin that screw was cheaper than the kit. (lol)

That's about all it took on mine too.

What RPM are all your RX`1 running at WFO ???? should be 10250 - 10400 .. I have a clutch set up that wacks 10250 right out of the hole . and holds it to the end .. and NO rattle at all .very very trail friendly .. All the rx1s i did ran 9800 rpm then slowly rise , complete change of weights / rivet / springs /shims / twist .
