
Vmax-4 Senior Member
Well it is close to that time of year again, I will be there in an attempt to defend my 2 titles with 2 new machines. Anyone else planning on going?????? It is a good event and the rumour is it could be the last year..
Count myself and Shaun in.. What better way to get to know a couple new sleds.. Is this a 1000ft run on ice or hard packed snow?? How smooth a track is it??
Well Josh!! Looks like you and I and no V-MAX 4's to boot.. I'll have the SRX and the Viper, may even have a new Ski Dog TNT aswell. Hope conditions are good..
I was thinking of attending the radar runs because I could run my vintage sleds and a couple newer ones but have decided to go to a vintage snowmobile ride in Belwood instead. Next year for sure I will be there! Another fellow I know is going to be running one of his vintage Ski-Doo RVs(I think) and also has a Vmax 4 800 but I'm not sure if he will bring it out.
I know this is kind of random but I didn't know anyone from this board ran at Alliston last year.
Josh any chance you will make it?? I'm probably going to bring the sleds to the tournament and show up if we get knocked out early..
