Somebody steal this vmax!

No problem Mike. Wish i could have bought it, but I would have left it original after seeing it was in that nice of shape. Then I would still be looking for a 121" 94 that is pretty crappy on the out side but good drive train.
Excellent buy Mike. That same sled up here in Canada would easily expect to land in the neighbourhood of $2500.-$3500. all week long. Bugs the hell out of me that there are NO DEALS like that to be had around these parts. I am almost certain that the majority of the Vmax4,s were sold and kept in the U.S...Rob.
Yea I was stunned when a asked how much... It was late but told him I'd paypal him the money or bring cash and be there at 9:00am the next morning. I laughed when he told me he wouldn't be done with school until 3:00pm

Wow, you got a great deal. I emailed him because he had it listed cheap. I wanted to see some better pics. He never sent me any. I wish it wasn’t so far away from me. I'm envious!
Wow, you got a great deal. I emailed him because he had it listed cheap. I wanted to see some better pics. He never sent me any. I wish it wasn’t so far away from me. I'm envious!

You could still own it, but the price has changed ...... LOL
I wish that I could get a deal like that! That sled looks pretty clean. I just get sick thinking about it. I wish he would have sent me some pics, then I could be bragging about my new purchase. Geez, the cylinders alone are worth what you paid for the entire sled.
