Turbo Vmax-4 cleans house at NSSR Chetek!


New member
Well I attended the NSSR "Test and Tune" day at Chetek, WI as part of Winterfest weekend, which included this 1000' speed run. The Monster Turbo V-4 cleaned house on everything by about 10-12 mph in 1000', including Hauck's Turbocharged RX-1 w/ a Simon's CPR turbo kit and Hauck big bore block.

The first run I broke 2 reed pedals when I broke traction at around 800ft and backed out of the throttle quick and then stabbed back into it, still limped it across at 155.xxx mph in 1000'. 3-hours later the problem was fixed, but the track was shot due to the excessive running of guys with trail carbides and poor ice. But I gave it a shot anyways and now broke traction from start to finish (literally!) have you ever broke traction at 156 mph, LOL! I then made one final run but decided to pull out 5 pounds of boost to help with traction control as we were over-powering the track, we still had some spinning, not as bad but managed a 157+ mph pass with 5 pounds less boost. So it was a great day, for Caveman Racing Team on another great event put on by NSSR. We took 1st in the "Lake Racer" class and the trophy for Top Speed of the Day plus $400 in cash.

Next weekend is the final NSSR World Record Race at Annandale, MN. If the weather stays below 25 degrees and ice holds up, I think we will tickle that 170 mph goal, plus thump our record in the Open Lake Racer Class!

Justin Durand
A bunch of us guy's will be at the annandale run, (just as spectators), looking foreward to seeing the big dog run!
A bunch of us guy's will be at the annandale run, (just as spectators), looking foreward to seeing the big dog run!

Bring your camera's and someone get at about mid track and get some video of this sled.

I shot the videos on this website http://mjdevries.is-a-geek.com/Port_Huron_Shootout/ with a little Canon powershot SD750 digital Elph camera. It is just a little camera that fits in a shirt pocket. Here is a link to the cannon website.

It doesn't take a video camera to get great video anymore.
Hey stop by the pit area or tech area and say "hi"! It will be myself, Curt Wald (Vmax-4) and I think Paul Susienka (bigbore904) will make the run to Annandale. Hopefully, we can put on a good show and come out on the plus side!
Hey Justin, ice conditions up here are great.. You should load up the Max and come up here for our last event in NorthBay.. We run 2000ft. but with your sled I'm sure you could set a new full body sled speed record in under 1500.. Would be neat to see a max hold that record.. I believe it's at 177.xxx mph..
