1992 Vmax4 skid -$50

Does anyone care to take a guestimate on the weight and parcel size? I,m thinking Hoober would be about 5ish hours away from me. I would go and get it but I don,t have a passport to cross the border now that we have these new border crossing laws in effect...Rob.
Several years ago I shipped my stock skid to Canada through UPS. They had to make a special box, but it was shipped in one piece. I don't remember how much it cost to ship, but I'm thinking in the $60-$80 range.

Does anyone care to take a guestimate on the weight and parcel size? I,m thinking Hoober would be about 5ish hours away from me. I would go and get it but I don,t have a passport to cross the border now that we have these new border crossing laws in effect...Rob.

is`nt that something..millions of illegals cross the boarder on a regular basis...but an honest guy with no plans what so ever on staying here.., can`t get across without issue`s...
AL P. You and I have about the same luck. Turns out a fellow from work took last Friday off to go to the Detroit auto show, which means he was 3/4 of the way there. If I only had known, I would have give him a few bucks to bring the skid home with him. Isn,t that just enough to piss off the ''Good Humour Man''!!...Rob.
okay..i just deleted 20 messages, then tried to send you one, and it still says I`ve reached my quots..so F$%K it...LOL

here`s my email address...
please let me know when you get this, so i can delet it before spammers get ahold of it..thanks, and sorry..
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AL P. Are you wanting this skid from Hoober? If so I will step aside, if not let me know as I would like to pm him and buy it as I can,t find one at this time. It will be spendy to get it home no doupt. No hard feelings if you snag it...Rob.
hey, you were first..but i was told you were passing on it, as it`d be too much to ship, plus i seen your post looking for a suspension in your area, so figured you were out? so I started making araingments on getting it.. i defiantly don`t want to cut you out though..
I`ve found a few more wheels on my 95 that are defiantly not looking good at all..luckily kahunas saved the day and helped me out with wheels for the 96, and just in time i might add...but anyway, after looking over the wheels on my 95, i got to thinking that i better make plans now on having some replacements...but again, I`m defiantly NOT wanting to cut you out..

Don`t know what to do now?..i roped in a friend of mine to go to GR and pick it up..but i can call it off if need be?

I certainly don`t want any hard feelings either..

either way, lets figure it out soon, so i can call my bro before he hits the hay and leaves in the mourning before I can get ahold of him..LOL
AL P. I have my some wheels, but no skid to put them on as mine is that crappy. If you have it on route to your house we can leave it at that and you have a spare, OR, you take the wheels off it and I would buy the rest. If you keep it thats totally fine with me as I couldn,t figure out how to get it home, and didn,t want to hold Hoober back on a potential sale. Don,t feel bad my friend. Let me know your decision, or a suggestion you might have...Rob.
rob...shoot me an email..I`m sure we can make this work out where were both happy..we seam to both want different parts of this thing...so there`s a plan to be had...

I can`t seam to get PM`s as of late..so lets figure it out in emails, if that`s cool with you?
here`s my email address....
let me know as soon as you get it, so i can delete it..i don`t mind the board members having it, but would rather not leave it out there for posible spammers to get ahold of..
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