

Vmax-4 Senior Member
well guys just got back from north and here are the results. Pics to follow:

1000' runs, freezing drizzle (heavy air) track so-so

My vmax4
helix at 70- 97.56
helix at 80- 110.61
helix at 90...did'nt get a chance, was heading north riding and it was getting late and it was half an hour between runs but guessing 2-3 mph more, next time
My Rx1- 114.34
Know my max has more but it was the first time that thing saw snow, did'nt think I did bad. It was the 3rd fastest sled there behind my rx and the fastest was a full improver with a crankshop 1000 motor and it ran 114.23, same as my RX!, owner told me he was over 200 horse that gives you an idea of conditions. Bet I would have caught him with a little more wrap. Now that I actually have a baseline the fun will begin!
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here is the post from there site:

2007 ADSC Radar Run

This years A.D.S.C. was the biggest attendance in the history of the event.The morning started out miserable with the weather warming up and a light mist in the air. Everyone at the site event were having doughts about the outcome off the day. It took about 5 days and over 250 man hours to put the track and event together. We just kept telling ourselves build it and they will come. Our wishes were held true, because 147 sledders 300 spectators and about 25 volenteers showed up to make this day happen. Lets not foreget to thank the Allsiston Vintage Snomobile Club for the show they put on with the 35 or so sleds that showed up for the day. We would like to give a special thanks to the volunteers who worked extra hard on the long hours, making the track and collecting the donations. Remember without the volunteer, well life would be boring. You did a great job. Well done. Opps almost forgot, to the Everett Volunteer Firefighters, thanks.


VitageClass: Rick Lee (124kph) 500cc: Gary Gallaugher (141kph) 600cc: Frank Goniglio (151kph) 700 cc: Ernie Pivetta (172kph) 800cc: Jordon Cole (164kph) 900cc: Josh Minor (178kph) 1000cc: Josh Minor (184kph) Open: Brian Noel (184kph)

Looks like that crankshop motor had nothing on the RX1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jminor said:
600cc: Frank Goniglio (151kph)
1st off, Josh congrats.

2nd, I have your awards.

3rd. The awards reciepient of the 600 cc class put up a 151 km pass. My 1986, 540cc ran 154km/hr and really won!! All I got was an apoligy since the prizes were already given out before I went in to challange the results. The run was logged under the 800cc class. This being a club fund raiser it did not need the wrath of my sharp tongue. ( I just feel bad for the 16 year old kid that I brought to run the sled) Wait till you hear the funny part!! I gave Chris (16 yr old racer) one of the hats you won that said 2007 radar run champ. I owe you a Bud Light. I'll keep the other one under plastic. There was also oil and envelopes. I'll drop them off at your work. Or we can race for them on Puslinch.

Right on Josh

Way to go!! Got that max jetted to the wall? EGTS's at 1225?? LOL
To much fun!!!!

Jabber, should of put some money on this one,,,ehy? Off by .61,,not to bad.

Dan, don't know about the hat deal,,,how much to send me the other one?
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Skinner said:
Way to go!! Got that max jetted to the wall? EGTS's at 1225?? LOL
To much fun!!!!

Jabber, should of put some money on this one,,,ehy? Off by .61,,not to bad.

Dan, don't know about the hat deal,,,how much to send me the other one?

whatever you are paying send it to dean for a donation! Like I said before I was pleased with the numbers for my max being the first time I drove it in winter and over 500'! I know where I need to go next with it and it wil be in the mid teens. I figure it has 115-118 in it.
Sounds like you had fun! That is what counts anyway (+ plus the ass beating to your friends LOL)

