Collection for sale


Well, I am considering selling all my V Max 4's. I thought I would never sell any of them, but I have to get some priorities back in line.
I will NOT sell them to anyone who is going to part them out.
I want to sell this as an ENTIRE package, or it may just stay in my garage.
I will not sell any parts, either. It's all or nothing for now.
1997- Excellent condition. Hauck 880 with bored carbs and PSI pipes. This sled has run 114 in 1000 feet.
1996-Completely stock except clutching/gearing/carbs. Only 285 miles. Excellent condition. 1 Scratch in side panel.
1995 Black Max- Hauck 902. Dyno'd at 232 hp. Rollform clutch. Ceramic coated Howlers. Wahl Bros. rear skid. MSD ignition. Too many extras to list. Has run 132 mph in 1/4 mile on asphalt with a traction problem. Will run 9.6's at mid to high 130's once it gets hooked up.
1992 Bender replica. Set up for asphalt. Wahl Bros rear skid. Will run low 10's at 125. 880 engine with Aaen pipes, flat slides, etc. Hydraulic brakes. Runs excellent!
1992 Pro Stock 800. Delaughter pipes, flat slides, titanium drive axle, titanium jackshaft, hydraulic brakes, engine gear reduction.(very spendy option) Cleated track.
3 extra chassis.
at least 1 extra tunnel
freshly rebuilt '95 800 crank in the cases rebuilt by Yamaha tech
at least a dozen belts
2 sets of Aaen quad pipes
at least 4 sets of asphalt skis
1 brand new 10 5/8 asphalt track
750 cases, some pistons, and at least 1 brand new in the box 750 cylinder
1 750 crank
more other misc parts than you can shake a stick at.
The '97 is one of not too many left, especially this nice of a machine. All sleds are running and ready to go. There are 6 SETS of quad pipes in this package. They are getting harder and harder to find.
Serious inquiries only.
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go to need sleep man...
then come back tomaro, and delete this post..ya can`t sell the stash man!!!

Oh F#!K thats got to hurt. I can relate, almost sent my 44 Auto Mag to a gun show to sell this weekend. Pulled out of cabinet, handled it, put it back. Maybe see if you can get your pet squirrel on the tonight show or something for extra cash.
Thats a lot of stuff! lol Hard to guess what You feel is fair for such a big package.. Put a number on it may help.
You know as well as everone else on this site if you sell your collection, in a very short time you are going to kick yourself in the ass!!!!
Don't do something you are going to totaly regret unless you absolutely have too....
Hopefully you have sobered off, come to your senses and will delete this posting... :)

You guys are funny. I was NOT drinking when I posted this, but I know it looks that way. I know I will be mad at myself later, but I need to take care of family first, not me first. If I do sell all of it, I hope someone from this board gets it.
I hope what ever has or is happening is resolved for you and your family,I fully understand the selling it all feeling and it sucks. I hope this does not become a reality but again they are just machines family is reality and ultimately more important.
You hardly know me but trust me....... selling these will be a big regret and in the end looking after your family is very important but maybe there is another way. giving up on the things that mean so much to you comes at a big price that might not be worth it in the end. your collection is very valuable in ways other than measurable in $$

I have been there and some way i regret my decision because i could have did it diferently. I sold all of my toys back in 1996. I had a 1992 Vmax 4 set up for drag racing, i had two other sleds for trail riding, i had a 1992 vette, 1987 pick up built to the 9`s 1996 gsxr 750 SRAD. I decided to sell it all and put it towards my family. Once i sold it all and spent the money and then i was left with nothing for myself personnally it was kind of depressing. What i should of did was sell a couple of items and keep some of my toys. We are adults but we still need some past times to relax and get away. What i am doing now is slowly getting my toys back with a budget i set so it doesn`t affect the family.

To make a long story short don`t part with all of you items you will regret it in the long run. Unless you really have to.
Wow, good luck with everything Kahunas!! Thats a serious amount of cash you got sitting there, so I can see how it would help you out in a tight spot. Might be a little hard to find someone to write you a check for that much cash in this kind of economy, but you never know! Good luck with it either way, and Ill pass the word around to see if I know anyone looking for a big collection like that. I know Id love it in my garage, but Id have to trade you my house for it, lol!
I dont' knw owhat your situatin is right now but i've been looking for a 95, 96, and 97. Would you sell thos e 3? I fso, how much are you lookin for?
The 96 and 97 are rideable, but the '95 is a race only machine. as are the other 92's. I'm still not selling any of them unless they all go together.
