Good Deal on Woody's Carbides.......6"

am I missing something here?
I look at carbides on ebay all the time, and have NEVER seen 6 inchers go that cheap before??
I see they have a 1/2in host bar with 1-1/2" carbide wear pads front and back. gives? tiny little bolts or what? LOL
great deal if you ship in the US, they want 45 dollars to ship to canada. What gives with shipping to Canada? it just about drives me nuts.

I think I just bought the last set...WhoooHoo I dont think the pic is of the actual wear bar. the pic looks like they are for plastic skis. I just checked the woodys # against a set I have at home and the number is right. Great deal I hope! Kirk
Well, I finally figured out what the mounting studs are, 3/8, so that`s a plus...
I seen their were three sets left right after this thread was first put up..then VERY shortly after that, their was only one set i see you got the last set mistermax..that`s cool...

P.S..I got the other two sets...

was in DESPERATE need of them...the ones on my vmax 4, are absolutly shot to hell...completly worn to nothing..mark the shark had hooked me up with a nice set a few years back..but i ended up putting them on the ole lady`s sled, as i figured it was probley more important for her to be able to stear then me..LOL

anyway, they did take a little beating last year, as we kinda got caught on the "wrong side of TOWN"..and had to cross a few "dry" roads here and there..

anyway, I`m going to stash these until we can get our sleds up north or to a way their going on for out "in town" riding..LOL
I figured these wouldn't last once I posted em on here.....I was pretty excited when I found them, so I ordered two sets......The way he had them listed, it would have been tough for the guys searching Vmax4 stuff to find.....
Yeah something must have been odd, cause i never seen them, and i defiantly search vmax 4 stuff on a regular basis..

thanks for posting them by the way!!
sure saved me a fortune..

great deal if you ship in the US, they want 45 dollars to ship to canada. What gives with shipping to Canada? it just about drives me nuts.

rustman, I know what you mean. I was looking to buy something from a member and shipping fom Canada to the states put his item out of my price range. Shipping was twice as much as shipping it here anywhere in the states.
Ya know...not to turn this thread political..

but it seams the china, japan, etc products sure can make their way around easily and cheaply enough..whats with the over priced nieghbor thing..rediculess...
Guys. If I might add, its the brokerage fees that are the killer. Right out of the gate, most couriers slap you in the face with $40 paper work fee. And can,t forget our governments might loose a dollar on taxes. Still when ever possible mailing is still the cheapest way to ship if possible. Less stuff seems to get trashed aswell!!!...Rob
Yeah something must have been odd, cause i never seen them, and i defiantly search vmax 4 stuff on a regular basis..

thanks for posting them by the way!!
sure saved me a fortune..


I searched Yamaha Carbides, and these were tword the top of the search, it doesn't actually say Vmax4 anywhere in the listing, I just got lucky when I clicked that item that it was for the 4 cylinder......I kinda figured that's what they were gonna be, since the title said 92-97......
They left out the "4" when they made the listing. It would be easy to miss if you were searching for Vmax-4 stuff, and I didn't get an email alert on them. That's a great find. Let us know how they work out when you get them.

I agree with mistermax, those that are pictured are definitely not the right ones for our sleds.

Big Al, you need to make a set of these for your "city trails":!!! Check out post #7.

