Ski Skins for $20/20 shipping

I bought a pair too, but havent put them on yet. They seem pretty nice to me, and the colour is correct.
LOL, yeah, I deserve that timeout ok !

I haven't put em' on yet either, I've had to travel a bunch for work recently and haven't even got the jackshaft back in the sled yet, so the ski skins weren't top priority.

Maybe I'll get a chance to work on this over the weekend, if so, i'll snap some pics and post em'.....

you guys ever Put these on? how did they fit??

these are the large ones that wrap around the ski`s right?... NOT the insert type?

Yeah, those are the thicker ones that wrap around the outside of the ski. They are the correct pink color. I'm wondering if you could whittle them down and get them to fit in the ski channels? If you could, they should last longer than the original 1/8" thick skins. I bought some years ago, but they came and were plum color, pretty ugly.

Yup as Mark says these wrap around the ski. I'm not sure if you could whittle em' down to make em' they insert type, but I gotta ask, why? I know the wrap around type isn't factory, but they are easy to put on and work great (yeah, I put em' on ok, they fit the skis fine). I can't see any reason to try to make them the insert type?
I will (yes, finally!) take some pics of em' if you guys wanna see em', I'm happy with them tho.

Thanks for the reply..i think the only reason one would want to turn them into insert type, would be to obtain a stock look..other then that, I can`t see any mechanical advantage at all...
