Wiseco pro-lites

I would use them in trail / speedrun use. I´m thinking hard putting the V4 to race (asphalt?) use only... And getting something more "trailfriendly" to my everyday use. Theese 4´s are getting to be like the big block musclecar from the past ; only in sunnysundays on the track.
thanks alot for the info u shared with me it sure helps when u have exhaust temp gauge i did,ent know that the temps could be that much higher with the coating i do have digatron and it really helps i,m running mine at 1250 and is ok, i find its about 1350 when they start to burn so thats good to know, it allso frees up horse power as u reduce friction so i agree with u 100 %, but not having used it before it,s nice to talk to somebody who has and shares that info i,ve rode yamahas all my life and not about to change

i,m going to set up for racing only like snow drags as thats mostly what we have in canada unless u go out east and thats to far for me , if i was to do ice drags i,d have to do a track and suspension chage and drop the front tubes low to the ground. i have my exciter for long trail rides , but need to put a 136 on it which i found a couple mounths a go , i like that sled so much cause its lite and u can throught it around and it,s guick. get this i,m going to work on puting a turbo on this sled and use for trail riding only,
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Beware of EGT equipment... As the probes require constant attention for buildup and damage (i.e. piston chunks collecting to probes, LOL!). As of this year I have removed my Avenger Recorder because of inacuracies. Over time carbon builds to the probes causing a thermal bearier which can falsify correct readings. In this senario one should monitor the probes on a regular basis and carefully clean.

I have talked to Hooper Race Engines, and other fellow race members who have scraped their EGT equipment. An addition there are constant heat spikes in an engine that effect the consistancy of EGT readings. They are a good tool for a base but should not be relied upon. When all else fails jet down till it blows...then jet up a size, then you'll know your limits, LOL!
quadzillaracer said:
When all else fails jet down till it blows...then jet up a size, then you'll know your limits, LOL!


Than is one way to finding it out.:drink1:

Holy crap Quad!If I counted on the digitron for my jetting(which I did) you'll find that you will burn down!
egt's work nicely to tell you if you have a fouled plug, I personaly wouldn't rely on one for much more than that. kinda like quads idea, but I'll probably go up 2 sizes after the meltdown just to be safe.

Brakes said:
Holy crap Quad!If I counted on the digitron for my jetting(which I did) you'll find that you will burn down!

How many jet sizes you goin up after that thermal nuclear melttdown :3speechle
went up from 320 to 500 still lean.going up more and changing needles.Jabber,I finish at 12 below 30 at 10200.
Brakes said:
Holy crap Quad!If I counted on the digitron for my jetting(which I did) you'll find that you will burn down!
so what was ur temp gage saying when u had a melt down ?

so what temp was ur exhaust gage reading when u had the melt down
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exhaust gages have been around for well as long as u have and are used on big trucks and are fairly accurate and they diffently are not out 100 degrees from the actuall temp in side unless of coarse u did not install properly u need to be close to the y pipe or even into the y pipe when u install if ur far away then u have to much temp drop and of coarse u wount have corect readinto get what have if u are using swan tec coating on ur top end , dial a jet, if not why dyno reports dont lie, it gives a full print out of what yu got. when mine,s all done i will give u my report off the dyno and what i have done along with my ignition change. this is going to be a 2 mounth project for me, so going in to dec on this

the way i have mine jetted right now i,m at 1250 and the oistons are fine and plugs clean tan color allso i dont have swan tec right now but i,m putting new pistons with top end treated with swan tec and dial a jet will be able to tell u the differance once this is done.

i allso have single pipes so may that makes a difference if ur coming off y pipe, they allso have about 450 to 480 just at a idle on exhaust temp

u should allways verfiy ur exhaust hand held infareray red light temp gage with that of ur sled gage to verify the temp u can buy them for about 100 dollars

i got ride of what caused the problem in the first place variflow i had 155 main i clicked back 1 notch on the vari flow and thats what happend so i removed the vari flow and know have 143.7 and i,m fine runing at 1250 temp. i bought the sled set up like this so i,ve changed what was on it, going to dial a jet.

i do know the exhaust temp at that time cause i did the temp gage after i had the burn down and havw gone down on the jetting after dial a jet should be good for i size drop of coarse with some test to show that on the dyno

guess i need to check my spelling first i did not know the exhaust temp at the time of melt down
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Allarson, with 143.7 main jets on your "individual" quad pipes you should be able to run that thing wide open all day long and never burn down!!! Plus if your running Dail-A-Jet or compareable system your fatting it up even more!

Not all sleds will be the same as everyone knows, different mods, compression, timing, fuels will all have an impact on EGT's and jetting specs. If you run a dial-a-jet or Power Jet nozzle setup, then you actually lean the main jetting and compensate with Power Jet...
i agree 100% i know i,m going to be able to go down on size some once i install dial a jet as they are disinged for a lean condition and then they ajust on the fuel as required so yes interesting . i know i have some real nasty porting on the inside of the intake side of the jugs with 2 holes drilled plus 1 porte cut in to the jug i,ve never seen this before, having said that i,m reall close to a lean condition on the mid range, so my orfficetube may need chaning to get more fuel in mid range as the needle postion hasent helped that. but i,m sure that dial a jet going to smarten that up. but the dnyo man has told me his compture prints out fule flow threw out the range so go from that, get 2 runs on the dyno for 150.00
Da Skinny

I think we've narrowed our options down to the point of order placement. The final conclusion is this: We will order 2 ring Wiseco forged performance pistons that will come anodized on the inside and around the piston pin area and the boost ports machined in at the factory. This was a recomendation for more longevity and the anodizing is supposed to help with wear in the pin area. You can run these pistons with a single ring for a weight and resistance reduction or they can be used with both rings in either race applications or heavy trail performance sleds. Lead time on these are 3 - 5 weeks and the cost per piston with rings, pin and circlips will be 160.00 each because I am going to order 30 pistons. I wanted to keep the cost down so if you want these Swains coated and ceramic domed, you can send them out after you recieve the pistons. I figured getting the piston at this point is most important. You guys that had sent me PM's or asked to be put on the roster, please confirm the amount of pistons that you want and if you want spare rings. I would like to place this order tomorrow so please advise asap. Anyone else that wants on the wagon just let me know

Thanks guys
with a major expense happing on my ignition change and more than planned as usuall , my top end is still togeather and is working so for the time being i,m going to step aside on the pistons and in the near future i get finished with the ignition then it will run , then i can deal with the pistons if u still have any left. i know its a great deal , but to many things at 1 time for me right know, what u are doing is greatly appriciated buy all i,m sure, thanx al larson
