yearly grass drag post

YAMMIEGOD 3:16 said:
I,AM COMING FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!3:16

I can hardly wait...

PM me a time to call you about that tar thing, I would love to brainstorm on that with you again and I may have some things of interest
OK, So who's running what events, and what classes, this year? What sleds are you running? I'm hoping to run 600 improved with a 600SRX and trail improved 800 and open with my 800 MAX.. Will probably make Boyle road testing once as well as there end of season event, and try for 1 cosdra race and 1 outlaw race in NY state..
Hastings, Michigan GLDRA is having there big Grass Drags this weekend. Adam Reefer is running a Imp 1000 vmax4. Wish him luck. He's up against the winner at Haydays on a Polaris.
