Proud Papa


My 14 year old son and I went to a radar run today. I took the tried and true 96 V4 and a 97 Formula III 600 that I picked up last spring for a very reasonable price. The Mighty Max ran 106 all day long, time after time like clockwork. Everyone that was there yesterday said that all the sleds were off about 3 mph, so, I felt a little better about how it ran. I had not ridden the FIII as of yet, but we used to drag race one of these back in the day. I started with stock clutching which ran 90. After the next 5 runs, we got this little beast with 3300 miles on it to run 97 in 1000 feet. Needless to say, he won that class and the Vmax won 800 and open stock. He ended up winning 4 classes today and I'm worn out and about ready for bed.

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Congrats man. Great days like that don't come often enough so cherish them.

Sweet dreams,

Cool video! I remember laughing just like that the first time I got to open up my sled out on the lake.

Kahunas - That's awesome that you and your son get to go out and do stuff like that. Those are the days you'll never forget. Just watch out at the radar runs. Looks like there's a new hired gun in town!

Love this shhhtuf
This is what it"s all about!!!!
Good job DAD. Maybe he can drive Quad"s sled some day.
Thanks, guys. Ive waited a long time to not only start racing again, but for my boys to start driving. They are both very capable riders. My oldest is 14 and the youngest is 13. They both have 450 race quads that they spend a lot of time on during the summer. They both have mountain sleds and have been in the steep and deep a couple of times. I'm hoping that I can stay in good enough physical condition to ride with them for a long time yet.
Love to see the kids running. We started my nephew radar running for the first time past weekend. He is 9 and has been racing moto cross for 2 seasons. We throttle stopped a 2001 SRX for him but still ran faster than we wanted. He ran a run of 95.6 mph and still wanted to go faster. Fearless!
