Videos From Port Huron

Thanks for the video! I have a bunch of pictures and video that I'm downloading from the camera. I have that same race from behind the starting line. I have a bunch of pictures and video I took from the starting line, until someone realized I wasn't with any of the race teams and told me I had to get out of there.


Hope this works: Huron Drags.pdf
Okay, link worked for me. It's a 10Mb slideshow I just threw together. I'll try posting some video.
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Well it was a nice day at the races...while it lasted. I don't know much about ice drags, except that it was close to my house, lots of really really fast sleds, noisy, and smells good. All of the racers that I talked to said that the track was really good, and it seemed to me that it held up good. The racing itself seemed a little unorganized to me. It seemed to take a long time between races, and I didn't see where the racers were being told who was racing next so they could have their sleds warmed up and ready to go. The announcer even said that he was going to mix up the classes to keep the program moving along, but I think that probably added to the confusion. It just seemed slow moving to me, a lot different than the grass drags I've been to.

Mike, I'm sure I saw you along the spectator fence. I was in front of the big tent over on the pit side looking along the crowd for the outfits that you had posted in your picture in the other thread. I was sure I had spotted you, so I made my way across the starting area in front of the VP truck. I was squatting in front of the fence probably 100ft. from you taking pictures of the 777 SRX when you were taking your movie. I didn't want to walk any farther down the track because I didn't want to get kicked out, (happened anyway). I got lots of pictures and video from there, but some volunteers came along and said that we were supposed to get away from the starting line because of safety concerns. There were guys down there with their little kids. They left, but I went and stood behind the starting line against the fuel truck. One of the officials came over and said he told the volunteers that I was with one of the teams, probably because I had been there most of the afternoon. I told him "I'm not with a team, I just want to get as close to the action as I can". He looked at me with these big eyes and said "you're not supposed to be out here, you have to leave", so I did. Sometimes being honest can work against you. I went back over in front of the tent on the pit side and got some more pictures and video. Around 4:30 one of the guys on a stock sled got out of control, crossed over his lane and wiped out the timing lights and cut the wire, then crossed back across and cut the wire to the finish line way down track. The announcer was pretty upset about that, and he let the racers know that if they get squirrly, get off the gas. Well, that ended the racing for the day, at least as far as I was concerned. The wind had started blowing and they were talking about the possibility of warm temps and rain. They kept working on the timing system, but it was getting dark. The crowd had mostly left, so I had a pretty good spot if they resumed racing. It was after 6:00 and the announcer said that they were going to try to contact Ainsworth, an electrical contractor and sponsor of the race, and try to get some generators with light poles out to the track so they could continue. I can't blame them, I sure wouldn't want to be going down the track over 100mph in the dark. I wasn't going to wait around for that, so I packed it up and came home. I don't know if they were able to finish the race or not, but I don't think that they will get much racing in on Sunday. It's almost 4:30am, it's 37 degrees here and has been rising all night, and there's a big rainstorm moving in. I really feel bad for all of the professional racers who spend so much time on their sleds who came and had 1 sled ruin the event for them, and the spectators. I know it's racing and that stuff happens, but I think they would have some extra sets of wires ready so they could disconnect the bad one and hook up a new one and continue.

I'm going to try to post links to my videos, with a short description. I also labeled them as to how big they are in Mb, so you can decide if you want to download them or not. My camera isn't a true video camera, it's a digital still camera that takes video, so they're not fantastic quality. Let me know if they work for you.

This is a starting line view of the video Mike posted of the 2 Vmax-4's. I'm pretty sure that the guy in lane 4, furthest to the right, was the winner: 19Mb 050 Two Vmax-4's 19Mb.avi

San Marino Racing Heavy Mod 1000: 15Mb 075 San Marino Racing HVY MOD 1000 15Mb.avi

These guys from Burke Motorsports had some awesome outlaw sleds, the "No Limits" machines in my slideshow. There were at least three that were turbocharged on nitrous. This guy couldn't keep his front end down, and his competition, Iam Hamilton, ran over 150mph in lane 1, closest to me: 90.5Mb 080 150MPH pass 90.5Mb.avi

This was another Burke Motorsports turbo on nitrous, I think the red one was a 1000 Ski-Doo, not sure: 28Mb 082 Turbo on Nitrous 28Mb.avi

I think these were open mods. The blue Yamaha on the left handed the black sled his lunch: 44Mb 084 Yamaha wins again 44Mb.avi

These were 800 Mods. The Yamaha in lane 1 was going to be the obvious winner. The Vmax-4 in the far lane got off to a slow start, but pulled a holeshot on the other two guys and got second. 54Mb 085 800 Mods 54Mb.avi

This was a solo pass on a turbo sled. He got squirrely after the launch and took it easy after that: 23Mb Turbo sled solo pass 23Mb.avi

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Good stuff Mark! The blue open mod in your 5th video is Sandy Ross's 1000 open V-max4. I met him through Dave Wahl as they built his chassis right before mine. He knows how to make that sled run, if I remember right I think he was from Quebec

Kahunas - I haven't tried uploading videos directly to the site before. I wanted to try it so that they would be included in the backups and we shouldn't lose them.
What happens if you right click on one of my links, "save linked content as", and save it someplace on your computer where you can find it? Will it open that way in a player that handles .avi files? If not, I'll upload them to youtube or someplace like that.

Thanks Skinner! I looked through the whole place hoping I would meet up with you. Probably a good thing you didn't come, it's 40 degrees and raining today. I doubt that they are racing.

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They opened for me it just took about 30 seconds to down load the huge files,Media player started rite up after it finished.
nice pics and vids just got home no racing today to bad we couldnt get the show in shark your vid of 800 open mod and our prostocker is nice we lost that race on r/t we went a 5.26 to jacks 5.35 lots of fast sleds for sure thanks to ian hamilton for driving the blue beast had a great time fastest pass on her was a 5.23 and the slowest was a 5.33 the doo and cat guys knew we had a prostocker there hope they pic a time to get this finished gotta unload trailer will try to post our pics later thanks all Randy Brewer #48
Thanks Randy! I really enjoyed the racing. You guys do a lot of work to get ready for a show like that. I just wish it hadn't ended like it did, because they knew the weather for Sunday wasn't going to be good.

Looking forward to your pictures!

Mark, Great videos. What were you shooting with? I just had my small digital camera, which usually shoots pretty decent, but I probably had a dirty lens or something. It shoots better than my Sony Digital video camera though.

I posted some of your videos on my youtube account. I'll get on there and edit the info to give you credit for your videos. I'll try getting the rest on there too. I'm playing around with my video editting software. I tried slowing down that 150 mph pass. Excellent camera work on that one. That sled in the far lane really got the front end up pretty high for one of those long track sleds and was throwing quite a bit of ice out the back.

Here is the slow motion version.
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Wow, that slow motion video is cool! Makes it a lot easier to catch the action. A guy I was talking to in the staging area clued me in about the Burke Motorsports sled. He said to keep an eye on it, it'll lay down a fast pass if he can keep the front end down, which it didn't.

That was shot with a Nikon Coolpix L20 pocket camera. It does a decent job, but at 640 x 480 the files come out huge. I've been using that one lately instead of my Sony Mavica MVC-CD500. The Sony takes nice pictures, but it's bulkier and the video comes out with a blueish tint.

I have Sony Vegas that I just got for Christmas that I used to slow down the video. That was the first time I tried that feature out. It's pretty good, but I'm learning it. It automatically will render a video and then upload it to your youtube account, so that is really cool. I have the platinum version that cost around $100. It has far more capabilities than I need right now and is kind of tough to learn compared to Pinnacle Studio, but I wanted to try something new. It does not have some of the ease of use features that Pinnacle studio has.

Thanks Skinner! I looked through the whole place hoping I would meet up with you. Probably a good thing you didn't come, it's 40 degrees and raining today. I doubt that they are racing.


Yea Shark, kinda pissed me off that we were'nt able to go this year, sleds are rock'in and were ready to go with the exeption of one. Should have the last one ready to test in a few weeks. Work schedule dictates a lack of play at least through February. After seeing the weather, I'm happy we didn't go. The last year we were in Gaylord we had to come back across the UP on black ice which really sucks. There were trailers upside down in the ditch with sleds laying out in the field (glad they were someone elses) but a white knuckle ride to say the least. No fun with a 44' goose neck hang'in off the back. I was looking forward to seeing you guys, Randy and Hen but I guess we will have to wait until next time. Two years ago they could'nt finish the races due to weather and scheduled the finals for a few weeks later. They may do the same agin this year, we will wait and see.
